例如要建立一個最新討論區話題的頁面 (Page) 或區塊 (Block) ,就可以使用 Views 去完成,當然 Views 並不止能完成這些簡單的頁面,還能完成很多不同類型的頁面吧。
而且 Views 配合 Panels 和 CCK 等模組就可以建立出多采多姿不同風格的頁面,另外,很多其他模組都已能整合 Views 功能,令 Views 的地位在 Drupal 變得更重要.......
Bug fixes
- #622602: Missing ORDER BY in some views with tables due to incorrect test for default table sorting.
- #623498 by marcp: total_rows should be filled in if fetching all records.
- #535206: Attachment displays repeat exposed filters because exposed filters were left hanging around during cloning.
- #450346 by lefnire: Inherit Exposed Filters sometimes hides part of the parent exposed filters
- #550560 by donquixote: Fix unterminated string in views.help.ini that breaks under php 5.3
- #592476 by Garrett Albright: Remove redundant CSS from views-list.css
- #366250 by Markus Petrux: Fix glitches with tabledrag and jQuery 1.3.
- #581616 by cangeceiro: Defend text color from themes in Views UI.
- #589484 by Markus Petrux: External styles could not properly provide advanced help files.
- #494490 by Niels Hackius: User picture incorrectly set as an inline element when it should be block.
- #616956 by neochief: Exposed form labels should have "for" keyword.
- #620046 by cedric: Date validate handler does not fallback properly causing sporadic improper validation.
- #628330 by dereine: Do not print n/a for empty formatted fields.
- #515564: Views UI would fail to rearrange with > 25 fields.
- #452384: Fix PHP 5.3 compatibility.
- #619884: Fix incorrect grouping for styles other than table.
- #539498: "Comments: Node link" did not work at all. Replaced with "Node: Add comment link" which is what that was supposed to do.
- #638916 by dereine: views.help.ini strings need quoting to continue to work in PHP 5.3
- #636988 by Steve McKenzie: Wrong ajax data could be sent in rare circumstances when using AJAX paging.
- #576386 by jmorahan: Fix book sort help text to be more accurate by not telling you to do something that will not work.
- #348130 by dereine: "" should not be translatable since it looks like HTML.
- #630430 by cafuego: Fix typo in argument text.
- #370651: Make Views AJAX work with mod_security enabled.
- #648438: In rare circumstances, unnecessary term_node tables could be joined in when adding term_data relationships.
- #639430 by dagmar: theme.inc warning when comments are displayed without links.
Other changes
- #580320 by chaps2: Allow "always use more link" setting.
- #363516 by dagmar: Validate the uniqueness of exposed filter identifiers.
- #584880 by drewish: Wrong base field declarations fixed.
- #480162 by dereine: Count whitespace fields as empty for hiding labels.
- #623580 by dagmar: Move can_expose() method to base handler to deal with validation change made in previous commit.
- #626422 by vgarvardt: Static caching of validated taxonomy terms to improve taxonomy_term performance.
- #622608: Allow attachments to inherit pager data.
- #495606 by Roi Danton and dereine: Introduce views_get_view_result() as a fast way to get just the results of a view.
- #614040 by dereine: Introduce hook_views_plugins_alter()
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